More Productive Editor Layout in Unity

Hernando Nieto Jaramillo
2 min readMar 23, 2021


Layout is how the Unity editor looks like, it is, the way the views are distributed.

Unity editor includes some layout options by default. To check them out, click on Layout options list at top right.

Some tabs, like Scene and game view are placed in the same window. It would be good to have them separated, so when we are making changes in scene view, we can look the result in game view in realtime.

Each view in Unity can be placed wherever the user wants to simply by using left click, drag and drop to the desired location.

We can make some changes in the layout to improve productivity. For example, selecting the tall layout and placing the game view below the scene view

This way, workflow is improved:

  • Changes can be seen in realtime
  • Easy for selecting game objects from hierarchy or scene view
  • Easy for checking out settings in inspector
  • Better access to project assets

Now we can convert the project view from 2 columns to 1 column

Saving Layout

This is the suggested Layout by Jonathan Weinberger, who has worked several years in Unity development in highly recognized companies around the world.

