How to return control to Main camera after CM shot in Timeline
When using CM shots, sometimes the camera won’t behave the way we want
After exiting the CM shots in Timeline, the Main camera get stuck to a CM virtual cam
Notice the CM debug log: the final text is CM Over the Shoulder shot
Return the main camera to previous position before entering Cinemachine shots
You’ll notice it because the CM debug log says: CM Main Camera: (none)
Probably you’ve already got how it works:
The NewMainCamPos is enabled
- Create a new empty gameobject
. Reset its position. Optional: make it aSleepingGuard_Cutscene
child - Attach a new
script to it
is the latest Main camera’s
position before entering the cut scene
You can turn off either the virtualCameras
or the SleepingGuard_Cutscene
After receiving a great advice from GregoryL in this Unity forum (thank you!), I made some modifications:
InGameCam replaced the Main camera
After doing this, I needed to re-assign the CM Brain in Timeline for all cut scenes
I changed de Default Blend option in CM Brain from Ease In Out to Cut, although the last one gives a great visual experience, depending on the objective
Finally, I configured the InGameCam options such as Field of View, Near Clip Plane and Far Clip Plane as a default Main Cam, because I was having some issues while launching the coin in the game in play mode