Creating Manager classes with Singleton pattern

Hernando Nieto Jaramillo
2 min readAug 8, 2021

A GameManager is in meant to deal with stuff such as loading scenes. A way to communicate with it is using GetComponent method, but now we will use the Singleton pattern

When to use it?

When working with managers like AudioManager, GameManager, UIManager


  • Create this line of code. It is private because we don’t want it to be modified outside
private static GameManager _instance;
  • Create a public static property. It will be accessed from outside and return the _instance value
public static GameManager Instance
if (_instance == null)
Debug.LogError("GameManager is null");
return _instance;
  • Set the _instance value in Awake
private void Awake()
_instance = this;

Why is it good?

Because it ensures there will be only 1 instance of the class
Also, the public class and its static variables can be accessed easily from any other class
Static variables are stored in memory

Let’s say we have a bool hasCard in GameManager.cs
An approach is

But there is an issue: if the GameManager’s gameobject name is changed, the code won’t work

Here, the same code using a Singleton

Take on account: properties are not visible in Normal mode in inspector, you must change it to Debug mode

