Animated Tilesets in Unity


After creating a 2D environment with common tiles, let’s animate them
In Unity 2020, import the Preview Package and the waterfall animated tile

Select the waterfall sprites (Center, Left and Rigth) in the Environment folder and turn them into 256 tiles

Right click on Project folder → Create/2D/Tiles/Animated Tile. I’ll call them 2DWaterfallCenterAnimated, Left and Right

You’ll need to add, for example, all the waterfall center sprites (one by one) to the 2DWaterfallCenterAnimated animated tile.
The same for left and right

Create a new palette called WaterfallPalette
Drag and drop the 3 2DWaterfallAnimated tiles into the palette

In inspector, change the 3 animated tiles speed values, let’s say, to 30

Paint the tilemap

If it dissapears in Play mode, change the ForegroundTilemap’s Order in Layer value (inspector) to a greater value, for instance, 3

That’s all for now!

