Animate game objects using Timeline — Stealth 3D game
3 min readJul 27, 2021
After finishing the game over cut scene, we will create the Level complete cut scene.
- Drag and drop the Win_Level_Cutscene to the hierarchy. Unpack the prefab completely. Rename it to Actors. Place it in the desired scene’s position.
- Create an empty game object. Reset its position. Rename it to LevelComplete_Cutscene
- Drag and drop Actors as a LevelComplete_Cutscene’s child
Animating the character
- With LevelComplete_Cutscene selected, create a new Timeline (Playable director)
- Add an animation track in Timeline.
- Drag and drop Actors from hierarchy to the animation track
- Add an animation clip, but first we need to search it in the assets
- Select Actors in the hierarchy and double click on EndLevel Controller
The animation is EndLevelCutscene
- Select again LevelComplete_Cutscene in hierarchy, Add from Animation clip and select it from the list
You can click on Play in the Timeline editor to preview the changes
Blending virtual cameras
- Create a new CM virtual camera and rename it (for instance, CM Full shot)
- Place it in the desired position for the shot
- While LevelComplete_Cutscene game object selected in hierarchy, drag and drop the main camera to Timeline. Select Create a new Cinemachine track
- Right click on the track panel and select Add Cinemachine shot
- With the cinemachine shot selected, go to the inspector and set the CM Full shot game object as Virtual Camera
- Create a new CM virtual camera. Rename it (for instance, CM Close up)
- Position the CM in the shot’s place
- Create a new Cinemachine shot in the Timeline with the CM Close up
For blending both cameras, move the right shot a bit over the left one
In the next blog we will see how to create a fading UI in cut scenes with Timeline